Project Description

Fungal Nails
Fungal nails cause dramatic visual changes to a nail which can be unsightly. They can make the nail change colour, can thicken and can break more easily. They can cause more pressure on the end of the toe and can become painful. As the fungal infection progresses they can produce a very distinct odour.
Fungal nails infection (onychomycosis) is very common, particularly in the toenails. Around half of all nail problems are due to fungal nail infection. It usually affects adults, and affects more men than women. It also becomes more common as you get older.
There are several types of fungus that cause nail infections. For example, athlete’s foot is a fungal skin infection of the toes, which easily spreads to the toenails. Candida is a yeast which can cause an infection of the skin around the nails, usually the fingernails.
Nail Fenestration Treatment is now available at Davenport House Clinic.
What causes Fungal Nail Infections?
About 20% of the population are likely to have a fungal nail infection at some point in their lives. Dermatophytes are the most common cause of fungal nails infections accounting for 85% of cases. The nail can appear as white, yellow, or just a change in its thickness and structure.
Have you got Fungal Nails?
A podiatrist or chiropodist will be able to tell you in most cases if you have fungal nails by a visual inspection. Occasionally, it isn’t always clear and a sample of your nail clippings may need to be taken and analysed. There are other conditions which can change the appearance of your nail so it is important to ensure that a fungal infection is present.
How can we help?
There is a choice of either oral or topical anti fungal treatments. Oral anti-fungal treatments can be prescribed by your GP if you are suitable. Topical treatments are available over the counter or from your podiatrist. Fungal nails infections can take a long time to resolve (12months +), but the proper preparation of the nail surface by a podiatrist prior to applying the topical agent can increase the success.
A new Nail Fenestration treatment is now available at Davenport House. Read more