Project Description
Freibergs Infraction
Freiberg’s Infraction occurs when the head of the 2nd metatarsal bone (the toe closest to the big toe) has a focal loss of blood supply.
Freiberg’s Infraction occurs when the head of the 2nd metatarsal bone (the toe closest to the big toe) has a focal loss of blood supply. The result is a collapse of the metatarsal head. Sometimes the heads of the third and fourth metatarsal bones are also involved. It is most common in girls and boys and most often appears between the ages of 11 and 17 years.
What cause Freiburg Infraction?
Freibergs Infraction can often be the result of stress or injury to the foot. Overzealous sporting activities such as running and jumping, as well as rapid skeletal growth can increase the risk of developing Freibergs Infraction.
How can we help?
Sometimes simple rest for 1-4 months with no sporting activity may be adequate for a teenager to be treated of this condition. Custom made orthotics can be manufactured to relieve the pressure on the metatarsal head.