Project Description

Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s foot is relatively common, and as its name suggests affects the feet. It is a fungal infection of the skin, and is usually seen in between the toes, or on the sole of the foot.
Athlete’s foot can be very uncomfortable at its worst, or mildly itchy at its least severe. It causes changes in the structure of the skin, often causing skin to flake, peel or even split. Itching the skin increases the likelihood of the skin splitting, which in turn can lead to a secondary infection. Split skin can also be very painful.
The infection is caused by dermatophytes which thrive in the conditions we place our feet in every day. Inside shoes the environment is dark, warm and moist, which just happens to be the perfect environment for a fungal infection to thrive.
The infection can be spread by direct contact, or by toughing a surface that has been in contact with infected skin, this can commonly be gym floors, towels, bed sheets etc.
Gyms and changing rooms are often cited as places for the infection to spread due to the warm moist environment.
Topical treatments are very effective in the treatment of athlete’s foot, with some of the newer preparations only requiring one application every 3 months. It is really important that all socks and hosiery are washed on a hot wash on the day of treatment to prevent re-infection.
People are often embarrassed about skin conditions affecting their feet, but athlete’s foot is one which can be easily diagnosed and treatment has very good outcomes. If you suspect you may have athlete’s foot have a podiatrist take a look and get your feet back to normal as quickly as possible.